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Eric Holder Higlights Uptick in FOIA Releases

1 min read


Eric Holder, Attorney General

Attorney General Eric Holder spoke at the Justice Department’s Sunshine Week celebration yesterday in Washington.

Holder outlined DOJ’s achievements in revamping the way in which it handles Freedom of Information Act requests.

He said that for the second year in a row, the department has released parts of more than 94 percent of requested records and 80 percent of them in their entirety.

In addition, the department was also able to reduce the backlog of pending requests by more than a quarter after receiving more than 60,000 requests throughout the last three fiscal years.

Holder also mentioned progress with the government’s new FOIA.Gov website which allows members of the public to submit requests electronically.

Holder said the offices of the deputy attorney general, the associate attorney general and other senior leadership offices will begin receiving monthly FOIA log requests.

DOJ will also incorporate a new way for individuals to submit and track FOIA requests.

Holder said the department has implemented a new function to include all federal government websites in search queries.

FOIA systems will link to more than 100 government offices in an attempt to improve information accessibility.


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