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DHS Explains 12 Planned Cloud Services to House Cybercommittee

1 min read


Richard Spires, DHS

The Department of Homeland Security is committing to 12 cloud services as part of its “Cloud First” policy vow with the White House.

The DHS will offer nine private clouds and three public versions, Chief Information Officer Richard Spires told the House Subcommittee on Cybersecurity, Infrastructure Protection, and Security Technologiesa House cybersecurity subcommittee.

Included among the new services DHS plans to implement in the cloud are collaboration, software development, infrastructure, project management, and business intelligence.

Spires described to the subcommittee some of the major aspects of the program:

  • Email and Sharepoint from its own cloud, which plans to serve more than 90,000 DHS users by the end of 2011.
  • Tests systems from its own cloud, which will lower server provisioning time from six months to a day.
  • Infrastructure as a service from its own cloud, which includes virtual production systems, network, and storage that’s designed with industry standards in mind.
  • Project service from its own cloud, which will standardize project management efforts across the agency.


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