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Senate Budget Bill Aims to Cut $886 Billion in Security Funding

1 min read


Photo: Kent Conrad, U.S. Senate

The Senate hasn’t officially released its budget proposal, but according to The Hill, the unreleased version of the bill makes almost $900 billion in cuts to security funding over the next 10 years. The bill is the complete opposite of the House bill, which only voted for $178 billion in cuts to security.

President Barack Obama only requested $400 billion in security cuts over the next 12 years. The Hill reports the budget was crafted by Senate Budget Committee Chairman Conrad Kent (D- N.D.), who shared the budget bill with the president in a recent meeting.

The bill aims to receive $5 trillion in deficit reduction savings and $600 million in savings from reduced interests. It would get rid of the Bush-era tax cuts for families who make more than $1 million a year, and individuals who per year make more than $500,000.


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