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Call for Speakers at CIO Healthcare Summit

1 min read


Photo, NIH
Photo: NIH

C-level executives for national healthcare organizations are invited to be panelists at the upcoming CIO Healthcare Summit, held Dec. 12-15 in Scottsdale, Ariz.

The aim of the summit is to gather 50 CIOs and senior-level technology executives to form relationships and share ideas for the biggest challenges facing the health IT industry today.

Topics for discussion during Q&A sessions, panels and case studies will include collaborative healthcare communication, cost control measures, IT outsourcing, and electronic health records.

“The CIO Healthcare Summit agenda is an excellent opportunity for CIOs and IT leaders to shine the spotlight on the achievements of their IT departments and healthcare organizations,” said Mark Southam, summit event director. “Speakers and panelists will quickly establish themselves as innovative technology leaders among a group of their peers.”

Presenters will receive accommodation, airfare and meals for the duration of the summit.


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