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Secretary Napolitano Calls for SBInet Reassessment

1 min read

Napolitano Republican HeatHomeland Security Secretary Napolitano has called for a reassessment of SBInet, the virtual border fence program. SBInet is an $8 billion electronic surveillance system, first contracted by Boeing in September 2006.

According to Federal News Radio, the goal of the program is to “use technology, including cameras, sensors, advanced detection technologies, unmanned aerial vehicles and other computer hardware and software, to better secure the northern and southern borders.”

Napolitano decided to order this reassessment on January 8th due to the program falling short of expectations. In a Federal Computer Week report, Napolitano said, “This fall, due to my ongoing concerns about SBInet, I directed the acting commissioner of U.S. Customers and Border Protection to evaluate its implementation.”

She continued on to say, “As his analysis uncovered unacceptable delays, last Friday I ordered a department-wide reassessment of the program to consider options that may more efficiently, effectively and economically meet our border security needs.”

The Department of Homeland Security plans to test the SbInet technology sometime in this upcoming spring or summer.

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