An interagency effort led by NASA submitted a report to the National Space Council detailing the opportunities and challenges for human spaceflight in low-Earth orbit and how it could help boost economy and
MoreOther U.S. military branches plan to adopt the Air Force's program to accelerate the development of agile applications, Fedscoop reported Friday. The effort, known as Kessel Run, minimizes the years-long agile development
MoreThe U.S. Army is in need of more research and development funds to fulfill its modernization goals, National Defense Magazine reported Thursday. These funds would support the six priorities of the Army's Futures
MoreThe U.S. Air Force’s 461st Flight Test Squadron has begun conducting test flights for the Automatic Ground Collision Avoidance System onboard the service’s F-35 aircraft, Edwards Air Force Base said Thursday.
MoreThe U.S. Air Force is almost finished with its one-year study on electronic warfare technologies and is expected to submit its final report in January next year, C4ISRnet reported Wednesday. Gen. Stephen
MoreThe Department of Energy is obligating up to $75M to finance four research and development efforts for more resilient large power transformers. The DOE said Wednesday these projects aim to produce sensor-equipped transformers
MoreNASA and Boeing have partnered with the Air Force Research Laboratory to test the Defense Department's first human-rated centrifuge built with interchangeable cockpits to support training for both fighter jet pilots and
MoreJonathan Feibus, chief information security officer at the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, has said NRC has begun to update several internal applications as part of its cloud migration effort, Federal News Network reported
MoreJohn Windom, executive director of the Department of Veterans Affairs’ office of electronic health record modernization, has said VA has created 18 workflow councils and completed state reviews of the first implementation
MoreDave Powner, a 16-year Government Accountability Office veteran, told FedTech in an interview published Tuesday that the Federal Information Technology Acquisition Reform Act scorecard has provided agency chief information officers authority to oversee