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Oklahoma State University to Support DHS Counter-UAS Project Through Amentum Partnership

1 min read

Amentum has awarded Oklahoma State University a $15 million subcontract to support the Department of Homeland Security in developing technology to counter malicious unmanned aircraft systems.

The company will execute the project as part of a five-year, $260 million DHS task order under the Department of Defense Information Analysis Center Multiple-Award Contract.

Amentum will work with the Counter-UAS Center of Excellence, a new institute unveiled last week by OSU’s Oklahoma Aerospace Institute for Research and Education, the university said Friday.

Over the next four years, the partnership will focus on development, evaluation, improvement and professional training at DHS to identify, monitor and counterattack malicious drones that could harm infrastructure and other critical national security sites.

The Counter-UAS Center for Excellence was formed through the National Defense Authorization Act. OSU secured an initial $6.5 million in appropriated fiscal year 2021 and 2022 funds from the U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command.

Additional funds amounting to $5 million are proposed for FY 2023, according to the university.