The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) will hold a Proposers Day on March 18 for a program that seeks to develop artificial intelligence-enabled assistants that could help human users carry out complex tasks, minimize errors and expand their skillsets.
The Perceptually-enabled Task Guidance program intends to explore advances in augmented reality for human-computer interfaces and deep learning for speech and video analysis to develop virtual “task guidance” assistants that can provide users with audio and visual feedback, DARPA said Wednesday.
“Increasingly we seek to develop technologies that make AI a true, collaborative partner with humans,” said Bruce Draper, a program manager at DARPA’s information innovation office. “Developing virtual assistants that can provide substantial aid to human users as they complete tasks will require advances across a number of machine learning and AI technology focus areas, including knowledge acquisition and reasoning.”
PTG has two research areas and the first seeks to address a group of interconnected problems, including knowledge transfer, perceptual attention, user modeling and perceptual grounding. The second research area centers on integrated demonstrations of basic research outputs on use case scenarios that are relevant to the military.
DARPA said the program seeks to determine how task guidance assistants could be used in battlefield medicine, pilot guidance and mechanical repair.
The Potomac Officers Club will host its 3rd Annual Artificial Intelligence Summit on March 30 to foster discussions on how to advance AI technology at speed and how private-public partnerships are key to maintaining the competitive advantage within the tech race. To register for this virtual summit and view other upcoming events, visit the Potomac Officers Club Events page.