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Executive Order Establishes Science & Tech Advisory Council

1 min read

President Donald Trump on Tuesday signed an executive order to form an advisory council on science and technology.

The President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology will provide advice on innovation policy and education and offer technical and scientific data to inform public policy with regard to national security, U.S. economy and the country’s workforce.

The 16-member council will seek ideas and information from the private sector, research community, local and state governments, universities and other stakeholders as well as offer advice to the National Science and Technology Council.

PCAST will get financial, technical and administrative support from the Department of Energy.

FedScoop reported that Kelvin Droegemier, director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy will lead PCAST.

OSTP named the council’s first seven members:

  • A.N. Sreeram, vice president and chief technology officer, Dow Chemical
  • Catherine Bessant, chief technology officer, Bank of America
  • Dario Gil, director of research, IBM Research
  • H. Fisk, chairman and CEO, S.C. Johnson & Son
  • K. Birgitta Whaley, director of Quantum Information and Computation Center, University of California-Berkley
  • Shane Wall, CTO and global head of HP Labs, HP Inc.
  • Sharon Hrynkow, senior vice president for medical affairs, Cyclo Therapeutics