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VA Incorporating Customer Experience Principles Into CFR’s Core Values Section

1 min read

Jeff Brody

The Department of Veterans Affairs is set to add a set of customer experience principles to the core values and characteristics section of its Code of Federal Regulations, Nextgov reported Friday.

“Maintaining a sustained organizational commitment to, and institutionalized focus on, the voice of the customer is a critical component of modernizing VA to meet the needs and expectations of veterans, their families, caregivers and survivors,” according to the final rule scheduled for publication on Federal Register Monday. “Codifying these principles will ensure that they receive the proper emphasis at all levels within VA, are clearly understood by the workforce, and, most importantly, become an enduring part of the VA culture.”

Under the final rule, VA will consider three factors – ease, effectiveness and emotion – to improve the way it delivers services to veterans. Lynda Davis, chief of VA’s veterans experience office, said research firm Forrester developed the “3 Es of CX” framework.