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Gene Dodaro: GAO Considers Cybersecurity a Top Priority for FY 2020

1 min read

Gene Dodaro, U.S. comptroller general and head of the Government Accountability Office, said during a Senate subcommittee hearing that one of GAO’s priorities in fiscal year 2020 is cybersecurity, Federal News Network reported Friday. He said GAO expanded its cyber workforce from 140 to 175 employees this year and needs more resources to meet lawmaker requests around cybersecurity.

“We are inundated with requests to look at cybersecurity implications of virtually all federal programs and activities: protecting personally identifiable information, healthcare records, it goes on and on,” Dodaro said. “We’ll be in a better position to respond to congressional requests in order to respond to these cybersecurity concerns.”

Dodaro discussed GAO’s other priorities for FY 2020 before the Senate Appropriations legislative branch subcommittee such as defense, health care and improving capability to assess science and technology issues for lawmakers.

According to the report, GAO requested a budget increase of $57.8 million for FY 2020 to reach a workforce capacity of more than 3,200 full-time personnel and meet its priorities.