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GSA’s Justin Herman: Emerging Tech Could Help Update Public Services

1 min read

Justin Herman, intragovernmental emerging citizen technology lead at the General Services Administration, has said he believes emerging open data, artificial intelligence, distributed ledgers and blockchain technologies can help the government transform current public services.

He wrote in a blog post published Thursday that GSA seeks participants in the collaborative workshop, titled “Emerging Technology and Open Data for a More Open Government,” to help establish goals for the fourth U.S. National Action Plan for Open Government.

“Participants in this workshop, including U.S. businesses, federal managers, civil society groups and researchers, are directed to draft proposals that specifically use artificial intelligence, blockchain and/or open data to advance federal government transparency, accountability, participation, and/or technological innovation,” Herman added.

GSA’s Emerging Citizen Technology program will host the workshop on Sept. 8 .

The agency also wants public input on how to mitigate bureaucratic and outdated information technology system challenges that hinder the transformation of public services.