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HBCUs & MIs Receive $50M in DOD Grants for Research Equipment

HBCUs & MIs Receive $50M in DOD Grants for Research Equipment

1 min read

The Department of Defense has selected 98 historically black colleges and universities and minority-serving institutions to receive a total of $50.1 million in grants for the purchase of research and scientific equipment.

The DOD said Monday researchers from 21 HBCUs and 49 MIs, including one tribal college, across 26 states and the District of Colombia will benefit from grants worth up to $800,000 each.

The initiative is part of the DOD HBCU/MI Research and Education Program, which aims to boost transformative research in crucial defense technology areas.

The competition, managed by the Army Research Office with input from the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering, received 152 proposals totaling $82 million. The ARO, alongside the Office of Naval Research and the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, evaluated the proposals and selected the 98 awardees.

Evelyn Kent, director of the DOD HBCU/MI Program and Outreach, said, “Equipping universities with relevant instrumentation and other equipment is imperative for advancing novel research aligned with defense science and technology priorities while fostering innovation at the institutions. These awards help enrich the curricula offered to scholars pursuing science, technology, engineering and mathematics degrees and support the training of the next-generation workforce.”