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DOD’s Travis Langster to Keynote 2024 GovCon International Summit

DOD’s Travis Langster to Keynote 2024 GovCon International Summit

4 mins read

On Oct. 10, government decision makers, military leaders and industry experts will come together to discuss the future of the United States’ global collaboration at the Potomac Officers Club’s 2024 GovCon International Summit. Among the esteemed speakers is the Department of Defense’s Travis Langster, who will deliver the program’s closing keynote address.

Read below to learn more about Langster’s background, career history and priorities ahead of the summit — and register today to save your seat!

Who Is Travis Langster?

Travis Langster is the acting deputy assistant secretary of defense for international and industry engagement within the DOD. In this capacity, Langster is responsible for developing and coordinating the Defense Industrial Base engagement strategy; directing the implementation of defense policies regarding international armaments cooperation; and integrating international agreements in research, development, acquisition and logistics, among other responsibilities.

Travis Langster’s Career 

Prior to taking on his current role, Langster was the principal director of DOD space policy within the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense Space Policy. During his time in this role, Langster played an instrumental role in the creation of the DOD’s first-ever commercial space integration strategy and the advancement of multilateral international space collaboration.

Before his time in the public sector, Langster spent two decades in industry at AGI, where he oversaw end-to-end activities for the company’s Commercial Space Operations, or COMSPOC, business unit as vice president and general manager. When AGI spun off COMSPOC as a separate company, Langster directed full-scale operations and anticipated strategic direction for business capture, research and development and product development.

OUSD A&S Industrial Base Policy Priorities

As DASD for international and industry engagement, Langster is part of the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment, Industrial Base Policy. The Industrial Base Policy office is the principal advisor to the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment in the following areas:

  • Developing DOD policies for the maintenance of the U.S. defense industrial base, or DIB
  • Executing small business programs and policy
  • Conducting geo-economic analysis and assessments
  • Providing recommendations on budget matters related to the DIB
  • Anticipating and closing gaps in manufacturing capabilities for defense systems
  • Assessing impacts related to mergers, acquisitions and divestitures
  • Monitoring and assessing impact of foreign investments in the U.S.

International & Industry Engagement Team

The international and industry engagement team that Langster leads acts as a liaison between OUSD A&S and DOD senior leadership, as well as international allies and partners. The team also engages with industry, academia, foreign partners and think tanks, among other collaborators.  

Hear From DASD Travis Langster at the 2024 GovCon International Summit

If you’re curious about how the DOD partners with international allies and with industry, you’ll want to be part of the conversation at the 2024 GovCon International Summit. Join the Potomac Officers Club on Oct. 10 to hear from leaders like Travis Langster and other government officials such as:

  • CENTCOM CTO Schuyler Moore
  • NSA Cybersecurity Collaboration Center Director Kristina Walter
  • DSCA Director Michael Miller
  • And more!

Register for the GovCon International Summit today to save your seat.