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GAO Says Some Requirements Under Trustworthy AI EO Have Been Achieved

GAO Says Some Requirements Under Trustworthy AI EO Have Been Achieved

1 min read

Several artificial intelligence management and talent requirements called for by Executive Order 14110 have been implemented by the agencies tasked to carry them out, according to a study conducted by the Government Accountability Office that sought to assess how far along the EO’s mandates were being met.

GAO said Monday that among the agencies that have achieved this accomplishment are the Executive Office of the President, which had been tasked by the EO to organize the AI and Technology Talent Task Force and establish the White House AI Council; and the Office of Management and Budget, which had been tasked to convene the interagency Chief AI Officer council, issue AI guidance to agencies and issue instructions regarding agency AI use cases.

For the study, the GAO picked 13 requirements to evaluate. They were chosen because their accomplishment was due 150 days after the issuance of the EO, they had government-wide implications and they had clear deliverables.

The study was carried out in light of rapid developments in AI and the technology’s potential to impact the lives of citizens.

EO 14110, which concerns the safe, secure and trustworthy development and use of AI, was released in October 2023 for these same reasons.