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DOE to Award $68M for AI Tech Development Projects

DOE to Award $68M for AI Tech Development Projects

1 min read

The Department of Energy has announced that 11 multi-institution projects focused on artificial intelligence will receive $68 million in funding.

DOE said Thursday the projects, comprising 43 awards, include the development of AI foundation models that could be used to speed up scientific programming and advance automation in laboratories, among other use cases.

The department will also fund the development of energy-efficient AI algorithms using next-generation microtechnologies and the creation of foundation models to advance science and preserve privacy.

The projects, which will run for up to three years, were selected through a competitive peer review process under DOE’s Funding Opportunity Announcement for Advancements in Artificial Intelligence for Science.

“These research efforts will make scientific AI both more trustworthy and more energy efficient, unlocking AI’s potential to accelerate scientific discovery. There is a huge variety in the number of applications where scientists can use AI, from the laboratory to the field to producing scientific research,” said Ceren Susut, associate director of science for advanced scientific computing research at DOE.