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White House Issues Guidance on Federal AI Use Reporting Requirements
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White House Issues Guidance on Federal AI Use Reporting Requirements

2 mins read

The White House has released new guidance outlining the criteria, format and mechanisms for federal agencies to complete the required artificial intelligence reporting activities for calendar year 2024 in accordance with the AI executive order.

According to the Aug. 14 document, each federal agency must submit an inventory of its AI use cases to the Office of Management and Budget by completing an online OMB form by Dec. 16.

Agencies should subsequently post a consolidated, machine-readable CSV of all publicly releasable AI use cases on their websites.

The document states that agencies should use plain language to ensure the transparency and readability of use case inventories to the public and coordinate sharing of use cases through the Chief AI Officers Council and other interagency bodies.

According to the guidance, an OMB memorandum requires agencies to assess each of their existing and planned uses of AI to determine whether the use matches the definition of “rights-impacting” or “safety-impacting” and report such determinations in their inventory.

Agency chief AI officers, or CAIOs, must recertify and report the full list of active determinations to OMB by Dec. 1.

For a specific AI use that cannot meet the minimum risk management practices in the OMB memo by Dec. 1, an agency may seek an extension of that deadline by up to a year.

Extension requests should be submitted by Oct. 15. The document states that OMB will not issue renewals beyond the initial extension of one year.

CAIOs at agencies may waive one or more of the minimum risk management practices for a specific AI use case.

According to the document, the full list of active waivers must be recertified and reported by agency CAIOs to OMB by Dec. 1.