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CBP Office of IT Releases Strategy for FY 2024-2028
Sonny Bhagowalia_272x270

CBP Office of IT Releases Strategy for FY 2024-2028

2 mins read

U.S. Customs and Border Protection has released its IT strategy for fiscal years 2024 through 2028.

According to CBP Chief Information Officer and 2024 Wash100 awardee Sonny Bhagowalia, the purpose of the strategy is to refresh the alignment and execution of the Office of Information and Technology with its vision and mission. The OIT’s vision is “[getting] the right information to the right people on any authorized device, anywhere, at any time” while its mission is to “[deliver] secure, reliable IT services and capabilities anywhere, anytime at the speed of CBP’s 24/7 mission.”

The strategy also aims for alignment with the mission of the Department of Homeland Security of managing and securing the U.S. border and lawful travel and trade. The strategy aligns with the policies and priorities of the federal CIO, the National Security Strategy and the President’s Management Agenda.

CBP IT Strategy 2024-2028 articulates the office’s objectives over the four-year period across six focus areas: providing infrastructure capabilities; building reliable and mission-aligned applications; delivering operational and information technologies; ensuring cybersecurity; improving IT and resource management governance; and improving the integration of CIO business operations services.

Bhagowalia, who also serves as CBP OIT assistant commissioner, noted the continuing expansion of his office’s responsibilities and said advanced technologies will be used through the strategy’s duration “to support ongoing innovations that keep pace with evolving mission needs.”

And while the strategy outlines the OIT’s current objectives, it is nevertheless described as a “living plan” that will evolve as the objectives are implemented.