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ARPA-H Seeking Capabilities to Detect AI Medical Tools’ Degrading Performance

ARPA-H Seeking Capabilities to Detect AI Medical Tools’ Degrading Performance

1 min read

The Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health has launched a new program to develop capabilities that can detect and correct performance degradation of artificial intelligence-enabled medical tools.

The technologies developed under the Performance and Reliability Evaluation for Continuous Modifications and Useability [sic] of Artificial Intelligence—or PRECISE-AI—program can reportedly help maintain AI tools’ peak performance, making them more beneficial to clinicians and patients, ARPA-H said.

PRECISE-AI will develop techniques to analyze AI tools and pinpoint the root causes of performance deterioration, the agency described. It will also create a system to alert clinicians, developers, hospital administrators and regulators when performance degradation happens.

According to PRECISE-AI Program Manager Berkman Sahiner, the program will work on an optimal strategy to detect and mitigate AI model performance degradation and allow clinicians to provide better patient care.

To support the project, ARPA-H will conduct a solicitation for AI experts, health information specialists and clinicians to advance the required novel capabilities.

Depending on the quality of the proposals received and the availability of funds, the government expects to make multiple awards under the upcoming solicitation.

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