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Biden Administration Establishes Council Tasked With Ensuring Resilience of US Supply Chains
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Biden Administration Establishes Council Tasked With Ensuring Resilience of US Supply Chains

1 min read

The Biden administration has issued an executive order calling for the establishment of the White House Council on Supply Chain Resilience.

To be led by the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs and the Assistant to the President for Economic Policy, the council will work to promote and coordinate efforts by the federal government to bolster U.S. industrial competitiveness, strengthen supply chain resilience and help agencies engage in collaboration with international partners to achieve the same, as well as address supply chain insecurities, the White House said Friday.

As part of its responsibilities, the council has been tasked to conduct a review of the supply chains of industries considered critical to national or economic security. The council will have to file a report about its findings by Dec. 31 at the latest and offer recommendations when appropriate.

The review will subsequently have to be conducted and the accompanying report submitted every four years thereafter.

Member agencies and offices will also have to designate within 30 days of the EO’s issuance officials who will be responsible for coordinating with the council.

The council is expected to meet twice a year.