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Trade Group ITI Shares Comments on National Spectrum Strategy; Jason Oxman Quoted
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Trade Group ITI Shares Comments on National Spectrum Strategy; Jason Oxman Quoted

1 min read

The Information Technology Industry Council called on the current administration to strengthen the spectrum pipeline and advance investment and research incentives to improve spectrum efficiency and support innovation.

ITI shared on Tuesday its comments on the implementation plan for the National Spectrum Strategy. Some of its insights include encouraging the National Telecommunications and Information Administration to continue to identify additional bands for study for commercial use and designating NTIA as the sole authoritative voice for federal spectrum users.

The trade association also called on the government to prioritize funding for training initiatives to meet spectrum workforce requirements and establish additional testbeds for wireless research and development efforts.

“As the administration implements its strategy, ITI encourages officials to work with industry partners to ensure better coordination and management of spectrum and establish effective mechanisms for resolving conflicts and managing interference,” said Jason Oxman, president and CEO of ITI.

In March, NTIA solicited comments on the National Spectrum Strategy.