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OMB’s Loren DeJonge Schulman: Better Customer Service Starts With Building Trust in Federal Workforce
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OMB’s Loren DeJonge Schulman: Better Customer Service Starts With Building Trust in Federal Workforce

1 min read

Loren DeJonge Schulman, associate director of performance and personnel management at the Office of Management and Budget, said government agencies looking to improve customer service should provide the federal workforce with the support and tools that they need, Federal News Network reported Thursday.

She also called on agencies to empower federal employees and build trust with them.

“We have to not only build trust with our customers. We have to trust our employees as well. And that means listening to them — listening to our frontline employees who are sometimes the best source of information and advice on how do we get better,” DeJonge Schulman said Thursday at a summit.

“They’re also the ones that we have to empower, to take risks and try new things. So, building that trust loop with them is just as important as building that trust loop with the customers as well,” she continued.

Other agency leaders, including Noreen Hecmanczuk, digital experience adviser to the Federal Chief Information Officer, and Simchah Suveyke-Bogin, chief customer experience officer at the U.S. Department of Agriculture, also shared their thoughts on federal employee satisfaction and customer experience.


Join the Potomac Officers Club’s CX Imperative Forum on Jan. 25 to hear federal officials and industry experts discuss how digital transformation strategies could help agencies as they redesign customer experience in accordance with a 2021 executive order. Register here.