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DOD Releases Schedule of Procurement Management Reviews for FY 2024
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DOD Releases Schedule of Procurement Management Reviews for FY 2024

1 min read

The Department of Defense’s defense pricing and contracting office has tasked the Defense Contract Management Agency with leading procurement management reviews of each Fourth Estate component agency that performs contracting functions.

A memorandum issued and signed by John Tenaglia, principal director for defense pricing and contracting, outlines the PMRs scheduled for fiscal year 2024 involving several agencies, including the National Security Agency, U.S. Transportation Command and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.

According to the memo issued Tuesday, DCMA depends on military departments and Fourth Estate organizations to support reviews by providing personnel to supplement individual teams.

Tenaglia has asked each of the Fourth Estate agencies with contracting personnel of 40 or more to nominate at least two volunteers to take part in one of the reviews scheduled in the upcoming fiscal year.

“Volunteers may request a particular agency they would be interested in reviewing and DCMA will seek to accommodate those requests,” the memo reads.

Agencies have until Sept. 8 to submit the names of their volunteers and their corresponding review preferences and contracting experience.