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FCC Explores Sharing Models for 42 GHz Spectrum Band; Jessica Rosenworcel Quoted
Jessica Rosenworcel

FCC Explores Sharing Models for 42 GHz Spectrum Band; Jessica Rosenworcel Quoted

1 min read

The Federal Communications Commission has issued a notice of proposed rulemaking to explore possible shared use cases for 500 megahertz of spectrum in the 42 GHz.

FCC said Thursday the proceeding is meant to determine sharing models in the high-band spectrum that can be applied particularly by smaller wireless service providers and inform the use of future sharing models in spectrum management.

The agency proposes licensing the 42 GHz band as five 100 megahertz channels using a non-exclusive spectrum access model.

Industry members are asked to provide feedback on three specific shared licensing approaches: a nationwide non-exclusive licensing approach, a site-based licensing approach and a technology-based sensing approach.

“We are exploring non-exclusive access models. This could entail using a technology-based sensing mechanism to help operators actively detect and avoid one another. It could involve non-exclusive nationwide licenses that leverage a database to facilitate coexistence. It could also entail site-based licensing,” FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel said in a separate announcement.