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IPEC Reports Biden Admin’s Approach to Protecting US Intellectual Property

IPEC Reports Biden Admin’s Approach to Protecting US Intellectual Property

1 min read

The Office of the Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordinator has provided an overview of the Biden administration’s intellectual property enforcement strategy during fiscal year 2021 in its annual report to Congress.

IPEC detailed the policies enforced across the federal government to defend the U.S. intellectual property against adversarial threats, the White House said Friday.

Specifically, the report tackled coordinated efforts of the departments of Commerce, Defense, Agriculture, Homeland Security, State, Health and Human Services and Treasury, the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative and the U.S. Copyright Office.

Among the programs highlighted in the report are the IP training initiative of the USDA’s Agricultural Research Service that educates scientists on insider threats and export controls reviews and the Commercial Law Development Program of the Commerce Department that aims to help enhance protection of intellectual property rights in foreign countries.

The report also discussed the Pentagon’s Protecting Critical Technology Task Force established in 2018 to protect the defense industrial base and assess foreign investment and acquisition risks.