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Grant Hagen of HII Discusses Leadership Pillars with Potomac Officers Club

1 min read

President of cyber, electronic warfare and space for HII’s Mission Technologies division, Grant Hagen, was featured recently in an Executive Spotlight interview with the Potomac Officers Club. He discussed some of the most important elements of achieving success, and he shared his advice for keeping up with the rapid rate of change in technology across the federal sector. Hagen is a Project Management Professional who has enjoyed a 25-year career in government contracting.

In this excerpt from his interview, Hagen talks about his leadership strategy and how he works with his team to accomplish HII’s mission goals:

“As a leader, I focus on four key attributes to help drive success. First, I believe it is important to make timely decisions, and if needed, adjust on execution. 

‘Second, I strive for open communications and have an open-door policy with my team. I encourage vigorous discussion and push the team to get straight to the point, focusing on issues that matter versus those that distract from what needs to be accomplished. 

Third, I expect my team to elevate critical news quickly so we can address and mitigate it. Finally, I let employees know what is expected, provide them the authority to execute, and hold them accountable for results.”

Read the full Executive Spotlight interview with HII’s Grant Hagen at PotomacOfficersClub.com, where you can learn more about the platform’s membership options.