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PSC Asks Supreme Court to Protect Battlefield Support Contractors From Tort Liability; CEO David Berteau Quoted

1 min read

The Professional Services Council has urged the Supreme Court to protect contractors from tort liability under state law for carrying out military support operations on foreign war zones.

PSC said Friday it filed an amicus brief with the high court asking it to review a case and provide a proper interpretation of the Federal Tort Claims Act’s combatant-activities exception in light of private contractors being allowed by several courts to be sued for conducting military support functions on battlefields.

“Exposing contractors to the risk of tort liability can negatively impact the ability of companies to enter into contracts as vetted partners of the military,” said David Berteau, president and CEO of PSC and a two-time Wash100 Award winner.

“Continued exposure will reduce available resources needed by the U.S. Armed Forces to deter or fight and win wars. Now is the time for the Supreme Court to provide contractors with the same protections afforded the troops they serve alongside,” noted Berteau.

Jennifer Zucker of law firm Greenberg Traurig acted as PSC’s counsel on the matter.