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Mitre Provides Recommendations for Congressional Efforts on Federal Cybersecurity

1 min read

Mitre recommends Congress consider actions regarding leadership, legacy systems, cyber risk management framework and other aspects related to improving federal cybersecurity.

The organization said it advises lawmakers to boost the authority of federal cybersecurity leaders with regard to cyber risk management and modernize legacy information technology systems to mitigate vulnerabilities.

Mitre released a total of eight recommendations, which also cover mandating supply chain risk assessments and establishing cybersecurity as a cross-agency performance goal.

The recommendations also include implementing a zero-trust architecture, creating an integrated framework for cyber risk management and updating congressional oversight based on the Federal Information Technology Acquisition Reform Act.

Mitre believes these recommendations can help the federal government bolster cybersecurity against threats from ransomware users, Russia, China and other cyber actors.

The authors of the recommendation report are Mark Peters, a cyber defense policy professional at Mitre; Dave Powner, executive director of Mitre’s Center for Data-Driven Policy; and Chris Folk, director of cybersecurity policy and strategic partnerships at Mitre.