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John Sherman
John Sherman Acting DOD CIO

John Sherman: Cloud Computing Key Element in Global DOD IT Modernization Strategy

1 min read

John Sherman, acting chief information officer at the Department of Defense, said DOD considers cloud computing as an important part of its strategy to modernize information technology infrastructure that supports U.S. military operations across the globe, DOD News reported.

He told a House subcommittee hearing Wednesday that cloud technology works to help warfighters access data faster as digital platforms are becoming prevalent in battlefield missions.

“While data management is not directly tied to specific program elements in the fiscal 2022 budget request, we are identifying, assessing and tracking our data-related investments as part of the budget certification process that I lead,” Sherman added.

President Biden’s proposed $715 billion DOD budget supports cloud-based software projects that, according to the acting department CIO, will drive technology process integration and next-generation capability delivery work.

At the hearing, Sherman also pointed to enterprise cybersecurity platforms as key to the Pentagon’s zero trust and digital risk management initiatives.