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Westat Pioneers Multimode Survey Research; Ting Yan Quoted

2 mins read

Westat has pioneered multimode research and has continued to improve survey methodology.  Multimode surveys are a highly effective tool to collect data, enabling researchers to reach more people and different populations. These surveys improve coverage, increase response rates, reduce cost and improve measurements.

“Multimode surveys involve using more than one mode of data collection to contact and interview potential respondents, including web, phone, mail, email, text, video platform, and in-person surveys, or a combination, with Westat’s design expertise, we can create an optimal way to combine multiple modes to contact respondents and encourage participation,” explained Ting Yan, Ph.D., a Westat associate director.

Multimode surveys provide more options for data collection than other types of surveys. Due to the rising cost and declining response rates on non-multimode surveys, companies are turning to Westat’s innovative survey methodologies for their data collection needs.

“Westat is innovative in using responsive and adaptive designs in multimode surveys and in assessing and estimating comparability of data across modes,” Dr. Yan added. “We continually consider forward-thinking strategies, developing and reimagining what can work better for respondents.”

Westat’s team of expert employees tailor-make each survey for its clients. They then implement the company’s proprietary multimode management system (M3) developed to allow for easy integration of modes while constantly controlling protocols, including sample flow and experimental allocation. M3 contains all the survey data and paradata to facilitate reporting across modes and conditions.

“The greatest challenge is determining what modes to use and how to sequence the modes,” “For instance, we must decide whether a sequential mixed-mode design or a concurrent multimode design is the best way to reach and interview a target population. This involves taking into consideration the survey’s requirements and budget limitations. But these challenges are minor because of our design experience,” concluded Dr. Yan.