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DOE to Issue Awards for AI, ML Data Science Projects

1 min read

The Department of Energy plans to invest $40 million in data science projects including those that leverage artificial intelligence and machine learning. DOE said Monday that it seeks efforts that would address data management issues faced by the department's science facilities.

“Major scientific facilities at our DOE national laboratories are generating vast and growing amounts of data for researchers every day,” said Chris Fall, director of the department’s Office of Science.

He added that both AI and ML hold the potential to support data management and operations taking place at national laboratories. DOE's data-related challenges include complex data extraction, real-time operations management and the use of virtual laboratory environments.

DOE program offices for nuclear physics, high-energy physics and basic energy science manage facilities that may benefit from the effort. Interested parties may submit proposals through May 1. DOE will use $13M to fund projects under the effort's fiscal year 2020 segment.