Two teams have secured top scores at the urban circuit of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency's Subterranean Challenge.
BARCS landed the first spot at the virtual category of the competition, while CoSTAR ranked first at the systems category, DARPA said Thursday.
DARPA has also awarded CRAS-NORLAB with $500K for achieving the highest score among other self-funded teams under the systems category, while Coordinated Robotics received $250K for the virtual competition.
Participants under the systems category concluded two 60-minute runs within two courses inside an unfinished power plant and competed in identifying 20 various artifacts. Virtual competitors, on the other hand, provided technologies that were tested by DARPA through eight different areas.
“Teams designed their approaches to tackle uncertainty up front, and then toward the end of the Urban Circuit, we saw them put their platforms out there and take more risks, I look forward to seeing how they adapt for the Cave Circuit,” said Timothy Chung, Subterranean Challenge program manager at DARPA.
The overall results of the competition's urban circuit can be viewed by clicking here.