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White House Issues Progress Report on Federal Investments to Push AI R&D Work

1 min read

The White House National Science and Technology Council released its 2016–2019 progress report on the advancement of research-and-development work on artificial intelligence.

The report documents the initiatives agencies have launched in the past three years to deliver on federal AI R&D and is structured around the eight priority areas outlined in the National AI R&D Strategic Plan: 2019 Update issued in June.

The council said the report conveys three messages and one of those suggests that federal investments have resulted in “impactful breakthroughs that are revolutionizing our society for the better.”

The document presents a summary of investments made by 23 federal entities across eight AI R&D strategies, such as making long-term investments in AI research, developing effective methods for human-AI collaboration and expanding public-private partnerships to accelerate advances in AI.

For the first strategy, the report highlighted the investment efforts of several agencies to advance AI research, including the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency’s AI Next campaign, the Department of Homeland Security’s use of AI to help first responders and the National Institutes of Health’s AI algorithm designed to detect an age-related eye disease.