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Wash100 Award Winner Michael Kratsios to Speak at COSM Technology Summit

2 mins read

Jeff Brody

Michael Kratsios, chief technology officer of the United States, deputy assistant to the President on Science and Technology Policy and 2019 Wash100 Award recipient, has been confirmed to speak at the COSM Technology Summit on Oct. 23 – 25th. Click here to register for the summit. 

COSM is the premiere national technology summit focusing on the future of converging technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, cryptocurrency, 5G, autonomous vehicles, biotech and cloud computing. The summit was brought together by the Discovery Institute and will be chaired by COSM Creator George Gilder. 

During the COSM Technology Summit, Kratsios and Gilder will examine issues related to U.S. leadership in the technology sector and the Administration’s approach to national technology policy.

COSM will feature many of the great minds of our day, including nationally recognized speakers such as Chairman and Editor-in-Chief of Forbes Media, Steve Forbes; venture capitalist and co-founder of PayPal, Peter Thiel; inventor, entrepreneur, and Director of Engineering at Google, Ray Kurzweil; global investor and market guru Ken Fisher; entrepreneur, professor, and CEO of the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Oren Etzioni; Google Glass creator and Amazon Vice President, Babak Parviz; scientist, computer pioneer, and Professor Emeritus at CalTech, Carver Mead; and famed technology futurist author and economist, George Gilder.

COSM takes place at the Bellevue Westin Hotel on October 23 -25. Sessions across those days will explore how technology intersects with government regulation, international competitiveness, investing, freedom and the triumph of the human spirit through keynote speeches and Q&A, panel discussions, and informal interactions with national technology leaders and investors.

Click here to register for COSM Technology Summit to see what Michael Kratsios has to say.