U.S. Army Lt. Gen. Robert Ashley, director of the Defense Intelligence Agency and 2019 Wash100 Award winner, said that DIA wants to invest in a system to employ artificial intelligence and analytics to replace a 1996-era intelligence database during the Aspen Security Forum. He told the event audience that AI technology could automate manual processes and help people perform tasks that machines cannot do, according to an article published Saturday on the Department of Defense website.
At the forum, he also talked about cybersecurity risks to national security. Ashley said that nation-state actors conduct cyber activities that could affect grid, transportation, banking and water systems. The DIA chief also projected that future warfare operations will involve quantum encryption, computing, sensing and communications systems.
John Edwards of the CIA, Joshua Skule of the FBI and 2019 Wash100 Award recipients Vice Adm. Robert Sharp of the NGA and Lt. Gen. Robert Ashley of DIA will serve as keynote speakers for Potomac Officers Clubâs 6th Annual Intel Summit on July 31st. Register for POCâs Intel Summit right here.