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Ed Burrows: GSA Eyes Adoption of Robotic Process Automation in Rules-Based Processes

1 min read

Ed Burrows, robotic process automation program manager at the General Services Administration, has said GSA intends to increase the use of RPA within the agency with plans to merge the technology’s benefits with artificial intelligence, FedScoop reported Thursday.

Burrows said Thursday at the Association of Government Accountants’ National Leadership Training conference that GSA implemented 12 RPA bots in the past year and plans to increase that number by twofold by the end of September.

He noted the agency is looking to use bots in repetitive, rules-based processes and tasks such as data entry.

He also mentioned the potential adoption of a shared-services model for RPA.

“I think there’s a potential there,” Burrows said. “The idea being that you could help agencies so they all don’t have to figure it out on their own, but I think there’s a step before that that we still need to take and we’re ready to take.”