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Dana Deasy Announces Launch of DoD Cloud Strategy

2 mins read

Dana Deasy, chief information officer at the Department of Defense, announced on Monday the launch of a new strategy that aims to migrate storage and computing operations to the cloud.

The DoD Cloud Strategy “addresses what we’re trying to do, … the problems we’re trying to solve and the objectives [we want to meet],” Deasy said in a statement published Monday.

Deasy, a 2019 Wash100 winner, discussed how the new initiative will help advance the adoption of the Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure cloud platform, ensure cybersecurity and implement digital modernization efforts, including the development of artificial intelligence-based applications.

“By having an enterprise cloud, it’s what we put on top of it — in this case, artificial intelligence — [so] it’s almost a fundamental imperative to have a cloud in place to do great things with AI,” he said.

The DOD Cloud Strategy sets seven strategic objectives, such as enabling AI and data transparency; extending tactical support for the warfighter at the edge; proactively addressing cyber challenges; and driving information technology reform at the Pentagon.

Dana Deasy will be featured as a keynote speaker during Potomac Officers Club’s upcoming Artificial Intelligence Summit on February 13th at the Hilton-McLean in McLean, Va. At the event, public and private sector leaders will discuss government AI programs and priorities, as well as what new initiatives lie on the horizon. Dawn Meyerriecks of the CIA and Dean Souleles of the ODNI will also be featured as keynote speakers and a full panel of leaders will be in attendance, including fellow 2019 Wash100 winner Anthony Robbins.

You can still register for the 2019 Artificial Intelligence Summit right here.