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James Mattis: DoD’s ‘Three Lines of Effort’ Seek to Maintain US Military Edge

1 min read

James Mattis

Defense Secretary James Mattis has issued a memorandum that details the Defense Department’s “three lines of effort” that aim to maintain U.S. military superiority amid security threats posed by North Korea, Russia, China, Iran and the Islamic State militant organization, DoD News reported Wednesday.

Mattis wrote in the Oct. 5 memo to defense personnel such an effort is composed of three initiatives and one of those is to restore military readiness through the establishment of a safe nuclear deterrent, deployment of a conventional force and retention of irregular warfare as a key competency.

DoD’s second line of effort aims to build up alliances and develop new partnerships to foster economic growth and deter possible attacks.

The third initiative seeks to carry out business reforms across the Pentagon through streamlined acquisition processes and requirements, budget discipline and establishment of a culture for rapid innovation.

Mattis mentioned some of the reforms in the third line of effort, such as the realignment of the role of defense undersecretary for acquisition, technology and logistics, DoD’s efforts to prepare for a full financial audit in fiscal 2018 and creation of a new chief management officer position.