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Gen. Joseph Dunford: Joint Force Needs to Integrate US Military Capabilities Amid Global Security Threats

1 min read

Joseph Dunford
Joseph Dunford

Marine Corps Gen. Joseph Dunford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has said the joint force needs to integrate all components of national power and U.S. military capabilities worldwide amid security threats associated with what he calls the “four-plus-one” model, DoD News reported Thursday.

Jim Garamone writes Dunford said at a Center for the National Interest-hosted event in New York that the four-plus-one framework includes threats related to Russia, North Korea, Iran, China and violent extremism.

Russia has begun to modernize its military platforms across the areas of nuclear, space, maritime, cyber and electronic warfare, he said.

He noted that China has allocated up to 7 percent of its gross domestic product on military modernization efforts.

“Finding the right balance between meeting today’s operational requirements and ensuring that we have the force our nation will need tomorrow is a tough balance,” Dunford said.

“That’s why we require predictable and sufficient funding to meet our partner requirements, restore the readiness that has been degraded over 15 years of war, and modernize the force for the future,” he added, according to the report.