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EC-130H Compass Call Aircraft Receives Avionic Viability Program Upgrade

1 min read

EC-130H Compass CellThe EC-130H Compass Call aircraft has received an avionic viability program upgrade that will provide a liquid crystal display designed to reinforce vital flight information, as well as support combat effectivity and federal and international aviation regulation compliance.

The U.S. Air Force said Wednesday the 55th Electronic Combat Group has developed a training plan led by 20 cadre-trained members to familiarize personnel with the new system through March 2017.

The military branch added that the EC-130 fleet will be upgraded through the AVP.

“This program has been in the works for almost three years at a cost of about $45 million,” said Maj. Gerardo Sanchez, the 42nd Electronic Combat Squadron assistant director of operations.

He added that the new radar upgrades will help the EC-130H’s navigation performance through updated tactics, techniques and procedures for precision electronic attack.

“Currently, we have two aircraft here at the Davis-Monthan Air Force Base with the 55th ECG, and we have two more scheduled for delivery,” Sanchez said.