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White House Outlines 7 Strategies to Help Federal Agencies Develop Big Data R&D Plans

1 min read

big dataThe White House’s National Science and Technology Council has published a document that details seven strategies on how federal agencies can create and expand their individual research and development plans for big data programs.

NSTC said the Federal Big Data Research and Development Strategic Plan calls for agencies to increase investments in collection and analysis of large data volumes and leverage such data to develop new services.

Agencies should also back research on metadata frameworks as well as the use of machine learning systems in data-driven decision making process in order to “ensure the trustworthiness of information and knowledge derived from big data,” the council said in the document.

The council also recommended that federal agencies should build research cyberinfrastructure, establish policies and standards that facilitate data sharing and management in order to increase the value of information, as well as consider privacy, ethical and security concerns associated with the collection, use and sharing of big data.

Agencies are also encouraged to set up an education strategy in order to meet the demand for data scientists and big data professionals as well as engage in R&D partnerships through the creation of cross-agency development testbeds, policy development and establishment of benchmarking centers focused on big data, according to the report.