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DFAS to Maintain Payroll Cycle Amid Furloughs; Thomas LaRock Comments

1 min read


department of defenseThe Defense Finance and Accounting Service assured that it will continue to process the paychecks of retired, civilian and active-duty military personnel on time despite ongoing mandatory furloughs, GovExec reported Thursday.

Kellie Lunney writes most DFAS employees are subject to 11 unpaid furlough days between July 8 and September 30.

Thomas LaRock, DFAS deputy director of corporate communications, said there is a potential for delay on contractor and traveler pays in some cases under a furlough.

He added the agency “is working to make sure all vital activities continue in their normal timeframes to the maximum extent possible.”

DFAS is responsible for payment operations across the Pentagon and several non-defense organizations such as the Executive Office of the President and the Broadcasting Board of Governors.

It operates as a working capital fund and has offices in Europe, Japan and nine U.S. locations.


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