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Robert Hale: Pentagon Could Reprogram Funds for ‘High-Priority’ Contracts Under Sequestration

1 min read


Robert Hale

The Defense Department may ask Congress for authority to reprogram funds for high-priority contracts if sequestration cuts kick in Jan. 2, Defense News reports.

Pentagon Comptroller Robert Hale told reporter Marcus Weisgerber the service branches would be asked to review key contracts and try to avoid disruptive renegotiations.

Defense spending would see a $50 billion reduction under sequestration.

Gordon Adams, an analyst who oversaw defense budgets during the Clinton administration, told Defense News the Pentagon would likely send a reprogramming request of between $15 billion and $20 billion to Congress if sequestration goes into effect.

Civilian furloughs are also a possibility under sequestration, Hale said, according to Weisgerber’s report.

Todd Harrison of the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments told Defense News the Pentagon could have formed a plan on who it would furlough by now and the earlier the plan was formed, the fewer people would be furloughed.


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