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Profile: Sally Ericsson, OMB Associate Director for Natural Resources, Energy and Science

2 mins read

WhiteHouseSally Ericsson serves as associate director for natural resources, energy and science at the Office of Management and Budget and represents OMB on the Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Task Force.

The task force, created in October 2010 by President Barack Obama, is responsible for forming a restoration strategy aimed at helping the Gulf Coast ecosystem recover from the Deepwater Horizon oil disaster.

Her previous government service includes time in the Clinton administration as associate director for natural resources at the White House’s Council on Environmental Quality, where she developed policies and coordinated federal agency programs on natural resources issues facing the Florida Everglades, Pacific Northwest salmon population and California’s water supply.

She also served as deputy chief of staff for management and associate undersecretary for economic affairs at the Commerce Department.

In between her stints at the White House, she worked as a climate change policy consultant with The Pacific Forest Trust to promote climate change policy that works to incorporate private forests as a climate mitigation tool.

Ericsson also served as director of outreach at the Pew Center on Global Climate Change, where she worked with the center’s business environmental leadership council, a group of Fortune 500 companies that address climate change issues.

She also coordinated the Pew Center’s outreach efforts to state and local governments, federal agencies, Congress and nongovernmental organizations.

Before joining the Clinton administration, she worked as a policy and research assistant for the president of the Service Employees International Union.

Ericsson also spent eight years on Capitol Hill and served as a staff member for House Speaker “Tip” O’Neill, Rep. Sam Gejdenson and Sen. John Kerry.

She holds a masters degree in Public Policy from Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government and a bachelors degree in urban and regional planning from the University of Illinois.