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DIU Seeks Commercial Solution to Distribute Data Across DOD Networks

DIU Seeks Commercial Solution to Distribute Data Across DOD Networks

1 min read

The Defense Innovation Unit has posted a solicitation for a commercial solution to securely transmit data across various Department of Defense network enclaves, which communicate through routing protocols and devices.

The desired solution must facilitate data-sharing between different classification levels and prevent unauthorized access, DIU said.

According to the solicitation notice, DOD requires a data distribution prototype to manage the transport and caching of information across a globally distributed infrastructure using an asynchronous publisher-subscriber messaging system.

The agency expects that the prototype will run on government-issued equipment, use government-provided authentication methods and can be readily integrated with enterprise data meshes to enhance interoperability between systems.

Interested businesses are invited to submit their proposed solutions with technical details and examples of previous deployments in the commercial sector.

DIU noted that proposals that specifically address the problem statement and product requirements will be prioritized, adding that submitters should indicate if they will work on the project with partners or subcontractors.

The unit will accept proposals until Sept. 13.