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Kelli Seybolt: Space Force Sees More Purchase Requests From International Partners

Kelli Seybolt: Space Force Sees More Purchase Requests From International Partners

1 min read

Kelli Seybolt, deputy under secretary of the Air Force for international affairs, said the U.S. Space Force has seen an increase in foreign requests for a wide range of systems since its creation as a separate military branch within the Department of the Air Force in 2019, C4ISRNET reported Tuesday.

Aside from GPS equipment and military satellite communications terminals, Seybolt said the department has seen an increasing interest from international partners in counter-space capabilities to safeguard ground systems and satellites from potential attacks.

“Space, by its very nature, is international,” she told reporters at a symposium Tuesday.

“One thing that we’re certainly seeing, especially with some of our closest allies, is that they’re really interested in developing robust space industries within their countries and are looking for more of that,” Seybolt added.

In January, the Defense Security Cooperation Agency reported that weapons sales under the Foreign Military Sales program reached $43 billion in fiscal year 2022.