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David McKeown on 10 Cybersecurity Practices Defense Contractors Should Implement

1 min read

David McKeown, deputy chief information officer for cybersecurity at the Department of Defense, said safeguarding the defense industrial base from cyberthreats has become a priority for DOD and that there are 10 cybersecurity practices defense companies should adopt to make their organizations cyber resilient, DOD News reported Monday.

These cyber practices include keeping updated architecture diagrams with inventories of software and hardware to speed up cyberthreat response; patching and configuring security settings on all software and devices; implementing multifactor authentication; employing malware protection on networks; and encrypting data in transit and at rest.

“No two companies are alike or operate in the same way. However, these essential cybersecurity practices are a great start for any company to strengthen its cybersecurity posture,” said McKeown, who also serves as DOD’s chief information security officer. 

He called on companies in the defense industrial base to be vigilant and prepare to defend and recover from cyber incidents.