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Dr. John Halamka
Dr. John Halamka

COVID-19 Healthcare Coalition Develops COVID-19 Decision Support Dashboard to Enhance Situational Awareness; Dr. John Halamka, Dr. Jay Schnitzer Quoted

3 mins read
Dr. John Halamka
Dr. John Halamka

The COVID-19 Healthcare Coalition published the COVID-19 Decision Support Dashboard to synthesize large amounts of complex, essential data into easy-to-use key findings for public and private-sector leaders navigating the “reopening” of communities and businesses, Mitre reported on Thursday.

“As we progress on the journey to return to work in the absence of vaccine and proven cures for COVID-19, policymakers and business leaders need situational awareness that guides the reopening of our economy and nimble response if a second wave of pandemic returns," said Dr. John Halamka, president of the Mayo Clinic Platform and co-chair of the coalition.

The COVID-19 Healthcare Coalitioncomprised of more than 900 healthcare organizations, technology firms, and nonprofits the tool will provide a structured understanding of how a state or county is performing by adding red-yellow-green indicators for key areas.

“Curated data presented in accessible visualizations that turn analytics into wisdom are essential guideposts,” added Halamka. 

The free, web-based dashboard will display COVID-19 virus reproduction rates, confirmed case growth and decline and mortality trends. The site will also reflect state and county-level data in simple visualizations, including maps and red-yellow-green stoplight indicators.

The dashboard is driven by publicly available data from nearly a dozen trusted sources, including Kaiser Family Foundation and Johns Hopkins University. Government officials will be able to  customize dashboards to display regional areas of interest, allowing comparisons and insights into how other locales are faring and the implications of policy changes over time.

“The real value of this data is its potential to inform and help guide the best possible decisions through these critical next phases of pandemic recovery,” said Dr. Jay Schnitzer, MITRE’s chief technology and medical officer and co-chair of the coalition. “Realizing that not everyone is an expert in interpreting public health data, the red-yellow-green icons provide a quick and easy way to track key metrics.”

About the COVID-19 Healthcare Coalition

The COVID-19 Healthcare Coalition is a private-sector-led response to the COVID-19 pandemic that brings together healthcare organizations, technology firms, nonprofits, academia, and startups. It coordinates members’ collective expertise, capabilities, data, and insights to preserve the healthcare delivery system and help protect U.S. populations.