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Former State Dept Official Alec Ross Calls for Global Treaty on Cyberwarfare

1 min read

cyberAlec Ross, a former senior adviser for innovation at the State Department, has said the U.S.  should consider working with other countries to establish a treaty that will govern cyberwarfare, FedTech reported Wednesday.

Phil Goldstein writes that Ross told audience at an Italian Embassy forum in Washington Tuesday he forecasts the emergence of Internet of Things will trigger an increase in security risks.

“It’s time to do more to begin a serious period of treaty-making in the cyber domain,” he added, according to the publication.

The report said he believes top-secret national surveillance revelations by former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden as well as the differing cyber perspectives of the U.S. and Russia are among the factors that prevent the U.S. from considering adoption of a cybersecurity treaty.