The National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center has unveiled the IBM Quantum Innovation Center, providing researchers with access to next-generation computing systems.
The program allows approved users to use quantum systems and resources and enjoy training in running algorithms on quantum computers, NERSC said Tuesday. The center will also assist selected projects, helping them align their proposals for success.
For instance, IBM‘s Qiskit quantum software can help users explore quantum circuits tailored to research problems that span various disciplines. NERSC noted it started accepting and evaluating research proposals for the program.
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Access to Mainstream Quantum Tech
According to Jan Balewski, a quantum researcher at NERSC, the center offers technical support from NERSC and IBM staff, stressing that such “guidance helps users navigate the steep learning curve associated with quantum computing.”
“Our IBM Quantum Innovation Center provides NERSC users with access to mainstream quantum technology and covers limited but generous access,” he explained.
“Collaborations with quantum hardware vendors like IBM will allow us to prepare our user base and staff for this future, and develop a better understanding of what algorithms will be accelerated on quantum hardware,” added Katie Klymko, a quantum computing engineer at the center.
Preparing to Adopt Quantum Capabilities
NERSC’s collaboration with IBM will expand the quantum computing options that the center provides to users. The engagement is also expected to develop the NERSC workforce, enabling the center, which operates at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in California, to prepare the scientific community to adopt the technology.